Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 抵壘政策 Reached-base Policy 一九七四年十一月三十日,政府實施「抵壘 政策」。根據該政策,內地非法入境者必須抵達 市區,並已聯絡到香港的親人,方可獲准在港 居留﹔但若在邊境範圍被截獲,則會被遣返內地。 由於非法入境問題日趨嚴重,政府於一九八零年 十月二十四日取消「抵壘政策」。在該日期前已 來港的非法入境者可在三天寬限期內登記領取香港 身份證,而在該日期或之後抵港的非法入境者會 被即時遣返內地。 Under the ‘ reach-based policy ’ implemented on 30 November 1974, illegal immigrants from the Mainland would be allowed to stay in Hong Kong only if they had reached the urban areas and contacted their relatives in Hong Kong, while those who were intercepted at the boundary would be repatriated to the Mainland immediately. In view of the deterioration of the problem of illegal immigration, the government decided to abolish the ‘ reach-based policy ’ on 24 October 1980. Illegal immigrants who had come to Hong Kong before that date were allowed to register for a Hong Kong identity card within a three-day grace period, while those arriving on or after that date would be repatriated immediately. 等候登記領取香港身份的人羣,蜿蜒在當時位於金鐘的華人延期逗留組辦事處外。 A long queue of persons awaiting registration for Hong Kong identity cards outside the office of the then Chinese Extension Section at Admiralty. 入境處人員為合資格的非法入境者辦理登記香港身份證的手續。 Officers of the department handling registrations for Hong Kong identity cards for eligible illegal immigrants. 109 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality