Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

反非法勞工行動 Anti-illegal worker operations 為保障本地工人的就業機會,入境處一直不遺餘力地採取 有力及有效的執法行動,遏止非法入境者、訪客、外籍家庭 傭工及受特定僱用條件規限的外地勞工在港非法工作。入境處 特遣隊經常突擊搜查非法勞工黑點,並不時與其他政府部門 展開大規模聯合行動,以遏止僱用非法勞工的趨勢。為進一 步減低潛在免遣返聲請人來港的經濟誘因,並加強打擊僱 用不可合法受僱的人,當局於二零二一年修訂《入境條例》, 逾期逗留或被拒入境人士如從事非法工作,有關罰則會提高 至與非法入境者一致。 In order to safeguard job opportunities for the local workforce, the department has spared no efforts to take tough and effective enforcement action against unlawful employment of illegal immigrants, visitors, foreign domestic helpers (FDHs), and imported workers who are subject to specific employment conditions. The Immigration Task Force often carries out surprise checks on black spots of illegal workers and conducts large-scale joint operations with other government departments to curb the prevailing trend of unlawful employment. To further reduce the economic incentives for potential claimants to come to Hong Kong, and to strengthen our efforts in combating the offence of employing persons who are not lawfully employable, the Immigration Ordinance was amended in 2021 to align the penalty for unlawful employment of overstayers or persons who were refused permission to land with that of illegal immigrants. 《入境條例》修訂後,提高了僱用非法入境、逾期逗留、被拒入境或有遣送離境令或遞解離境令對其有效等不可合法受僱的人的 罰則,以反映有關罪行的嚴重性。 Following the amendment of the Immigration Ordinance, heavier penalties were imposed for employing illegal immigrants, overstayers, persons who have been refused permission to land in Hong Kong or in respect of whom a removal order or deportation order is in force to reflect the gravity of such offences. 入境處透過新聞發布會、宣傳單張、講座等說明僱用非法勞工的法律責任,以提升市民的守法意識。 The department publicises the legal implications of unlawful hiring practices through press conferences, promotional leaflets and talks, with a view to enhancing the law-abiding awareness of members of the public. 103 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality