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Information Systems Branch

The Information Systems Branch is headed by an Assistant Director. It handles all matters concerning development and operation of information systems, records management and personal data privacy of the Department.

To cope with the ever-changing social and economic environment, the Department has been proactively formulating its information systems strategy to keep pace with the digital era of the 21st century and has been exploring various advanced technologies for delivering efficient and quality services to the public, whilst ensuring the business processes and practices are compliant with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

Organisation Chart of the Information Systems Branch

The Information Systems Branch comprises four divisions and is tasked to take charge of the information systems and related matters of the Department. The Information Systems (Development) Division is responsible for formulating and implementing the Department’s information systems strategy and developing new information systems to meet future business needs. The Information Systems (Production) Division is responsible for management and security of information systems in operation as well as on-going enhancement of the information systems and related processes. The Records and Data Management Division is responsible for all issues relating to data privacy, access to information and management of departmental records. The Technology Services Division provides technical support for the maintenance and development of information systems in the Department. The former three divisions are each headed by a Principal Immigration Officer while the Technology Services Division is under the charge of a Chief Systems Manager.

Systems in Operation

Immigration Control System (ICONS)

Immigration Control System

The Department has launched ICONS in phases since 2016 to replace and consolidate the four control point systems, namely the Entry/Exit Processing and Records System (EXPRESS), the Automated Passenger and Vehicle Clearance Systems (APVCS/e-Channels), the Face Recognition System (FACES) and the Deployment Information and Command System (DICS). ICONS has not only upgraded and consolidated the hardware and software of the four separate control point systems to meet new business needs but has also upgraded 437 existing e-Channels to multi-purpose e-Channels and introduced 158 new multi-purpose e-Channels to enhance the overall handling capacity of control points. In addition, new functions of ICONS will be implemented in 2017, including the introduction of enrolment-free Self-service Departure e-Channels for eligible visitors holding electronic travel documents.

In December 2007, the e-Channel service at the Lo Wu Control Point was extended to cross-boundary primary school students under the age of 11. Since late August 2012, simplified clearance procedure for cross-boundary students has been adopted in phases at the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line, Shenzhen Bay, Lok Ma Chau, Sha Tau Kok, Man Kam To and Lo Wu Control Points. With the use of portable clearance devices, more expeditious immigration clearance service has been provided to the enrolled cross-boundary students. To provide greater convenience for cross-boundary students to enrol for e-Channel service, the enrolment system was enhanced in October 2014. Besides, the cross-boundary student e-Channel service was extended to the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point in May 2015. At present, there are six designated e-Channels for cross-boundary students at the Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Points respectively.

An in-town e-Channel Enrolment Office was set up at Immigration Tower.

In May 2008, the e-Channel service at the Airport Control Point was extended to frequent visitors aged 18 or above holding a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Travel Pass, an Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Business Travel Card with the economy code 'HKG' or a Hong Kong International Airport Frequent Visitor Card. The e-Channel service was extended to eligible members of frequent flyer programmes of various airlines with effect from 7 September 2009. From late April 2012, frequent visitors who hold a valid travel document which is not required to have an entry visa/permit for entering Hong Kong, have made visits to Hong Kong by air via the Hong Kong International Airport for no less than three times in the past 12 months immediately before enrolment and have no adverse record in Hong Kong may enrol for e-Channel service at the enrolment office at the Airport. The e-Channel service for these enrolled frequent visitors has been extended to the Lo Wu, Lok Ma Chau Spur Line, Hung Hom, Shenzhen Bay, Sha Tau Kok, Man Kam To, Lok Ma Chau, China Ferry Terminal, Macau Ferry Terminal, Kai Tak Cruise Terminal and Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal Control Points.

To simplify the immigration clearance for Hong Kong and Macao residents, from 10 December 2009 onwards, enrolled Macao permanent residents can use the e-Channels at the Macau Ferry Terminal and the China Ferry Terminal. The service was extended to the Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal in July 2011. At present, enrolled Macao permanent residents may also use e-Channel service at the Lo Wu, Lok Ma Chau Spur Line, Hung Hom, Shenzhen Bay, Sha Tau Kok, Man Kam To, Lok Ma Chau, Kai Tak Cruise Terminal and Airport Control Points. Besides, eligible Hong Kong residents can use the Macao Automated Passenger Clearance System (i.e. autogates) at control points in Macao. In order to provide greater immigration convenience for Hong Kong non-permanent residents holding an ‘HKSAR Document of Identity for Visa Purposes’and Macao non-permanent residents holding a ‘Visit Permit for Residents of Macao to HKSAR’, eligible travellers of the two places may, after successful enrolment, use the automated immigration clearance service of the other party with effect from 12 December 2016.

Express e-Channels at the Lo Wu Control Point

In March 2009, the Express e-Channel pilot scheme was introduced at the Lo Wu Control Point to provide faster e-Channel service to enrolled Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above who are existing e-Channel users. At present, there are 30 Express e-Channels at the Lo Wu Control Point.

Starting from 5 December 2011, eligible Mainland frequent visitors holding a booklet-type Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao (EEP) may enrol for e-Channel service. Enrolled Mainland frequent visitors may use e-Channels at the Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Points with effect from 3 January 2012. To tie in with the introduction of card-type electronic EEPs by the Mainland authorities, eligible Mainland visitors holding a card-type EEP can also enjoy the e-Channel service at all control points starting from 20 May 2014.

As at the end of 2016, around 987,000 Mainland visitors holding a booklet-type EEP and 485,000 other frequent visitors successfully enrolled for the service.

On 19 September 2013, the Department launched the first e-Channel with voice navigation function in the world for the visually impaired persons to perform self-service clearance at the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line Control Point. The service was also extended to the Macau Ferry Terminal and Shenzhen Bay Control Point in 2014 and 2015 respectively. To use the service, the persons should first press the activation button at the entrance of the e-Channel to initiate the voice navigation function and voice instructions would be delivered to guide them to complete the clearance process.

The arrangement for mutual use of automated immigration clearance service with Australia was implemented since June 2016.

Under the arrangement for mutual use of automated clearance service, eligible HKSAR passport holders can enrol for the automated clearance service of the participating countries/territories, whilst eligible passport holders of the participating countries/territories can enrol for the e-Channel service in Hong Kong. To facilitate the implementation of mutual use of automated immigration clearance service with different countries/territories, the enrolment system of e-Channels has been enhanced to allow the processing of enrolment of eligible passport holders of the participating countries/territories for e-Channel service in Hong Kong based on different enrolment criteria. The arrangement was implemented with Korea, Singapore, Germany and Australia in December 2013, September 2014, November 2014 and June 2016 respectively. In order to provide greater travel convenience to Hong Kong residents and Korean visitors, Hong Kong and Korea have streamlined the enrolment procedures since 22 August 2016. HKSAR electronic passport holders and Korean passport holders are able to enrol for the service directly in Korea and Hong Kong respectively without the need for pre-enrolment on the Internet. The Department is actively discussing with other countries/territories on the mutual use of automated immigration clearance service and it is expected that more countries/territories will become our partners.

Starting from September 2015, enrolled Consular Corps Identity Card holders may perform self-service immigration clearance via the e-Channels at the Lo Wu, Lok Ma Chau Spur Line, Hung Hom, Shenzhen Bay, Sha Tau Kok, Man Kam To, Lok Ma Chau, China Ferry Terminal, Macau Ferry Terminal, Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal and Airport Control Points.

Smart Identity Card System (SMARTICS)

The SMARTICS is an on-line information system that supports the whole process of smart identity card production, from appointment booking, registration, production to issue of smart identity cards. The system laid the foundation for the introduction of Automated Passenger Clearance System and Automated Vehicle Clearance System. Besides, the card also supports other non-immigration functions, such as library card and storage of e-Certificate, thus promoting e-Government and e-Commerce.

Electronic Passport (e-Passport) System

Travel Document Personalisation Centre

The e-Passport System supports one-stop-shop passport application service, including appointment booking, application processing, and issuance of travel documents. By adopting the latest information technology, it achieves a paperless working environment and produces electronic passports with more advanced security features. Starting from 29 December 2011, eligible applicants aged 11 to 17 can also submit their passport applications through self-service kiosks at the Immigration Headquarters. A total of 19 self-service kiosks are installed at the Immigration Headquarters and immigration branch offices.

Application and Investigation Easy System (APPLIES) and Electronic Records Programme (ERP)

With the Application and Investigation Easy System, case processing becomes more efficient.

APPLIES is an on-line information system for processing applications for visas, permits, travel passes, registration matters relating to births, deaths, marriage and investigation cases. Following the full implementation of APPLIES in December 2008, electronic records can be stored and retrieved via computer workstations. Through the electronic records and document management systems, there has been service improvement in processing applications and registration matters mentioned above. By adopting advanced technologies and designs, the system is able to handle and maintain operational and administrative records in an efficient and paperless manner. Besides, with the interface with the Electronic Services System, the public can enjoy e-Services, including booking of appointments and submission of applications through the Internet.

Pre-arrival Registration for Taiwan Residents and Indian Nationals

The Pre-arrival Registration for Taiwan Residents was implemented on 1 September 2012 to facilitate eligible Taiwan residents to submit pre-arrival registration electronically through the Internet free of charge and directly without going through airlines in Taiwan. The application result will also be displayed instantly. It further enhances the travel convenience of Taiwan residents visiting Hong Kong.

The Pre-arrival Registration for Indian Nationals was implemented on 19 December 2016. Indian nationals may apply for pre-arrival registration electronically to visit or transit Hong Kong through the Internet free of charge.

Travel Pass Issuing System

The Travel Pass Issuing System supports the issue of Travel Passes to frequent visitors to Hong Kong. The information on the machine-readable Travel Pass is captured through optical character recognition readers and holders can enjoy speedy immigration clearance at the ‘Hong Kong Residents’ counters at control points.

Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) Business Travel Card Issuing System

Hong Kong has participated in the APEC Business Travel Card Scheme since 29 May 1998. By making use of the Electronic Data Interchange System, the Scheme facilitates pre-cleared entry of accredited business people to the participating economies of the Asia-Pacific region. Business travel card holders coming to Hong Kong can use the Hong Kong Resident counters at control points for immigration clearance.

Government Office Automation (GOA) System

The GOA System enables speedy communication and dissemination of information through electronic means within the Department as well as among bureaux and departments of the HKSAR Government.

Government-to-Employee (G2E) Applications

The e-Leave System is the first government-to-employee project. All staff members of the Department can access the web-based system to process their leave applications as well as calculate and keep track of leave records through any networked computer workstation in the Department.

Operations and Administration Support Information System (OASIS)

The OASIS is an online information system which aims at enhancing productivity in operational and administrative areas. It facilitates management of information relating to personnel, stores and inventory. It also supports electronic compilation of duty roster and improves efficiency of staff deployment at control points.

Electronic Records (Administrative) System (e-Records (Adm))

The e-Records (Adm) System helps our staff improve efficiency in handling administrative records in the Department.

The e-Records (Adm) System is an electronic records and document management system developed under the Electronic Records Programme. Leveraging advanced information technology and making use of GOA workstations and scanners, the system aims to improve efficiency in handling administrative records in the Department. Since April 2008, all staff of the Department can use the system to handle administrative records.


The Intranet provides an electronic channel for fast dissemination of multi-media information, enhances staff communication and acts as an online self-learning platform within the Department. In 2016, the number of visits to the Intranet Portal was around 3.5 million, with a daily average of around 9,600 visits.

Immigration Departments Homepage

To better serve the public, the Department has set up its own homepage since 31 May 1996. Internet users not only can browse the latest information of the Department on the homepage, but also can access websites of related government departments/organisations via the hyperlinks provided.

Data Warehousing Information System (DWIS)

The DWIS improves the provision of various statistical analyses that facilitate the management in decision making and resources planning.

Mobile Application (Mobile App)

Hong Kong Immigration Mobile Application

On 5 December 2013, the Department launched the Hong Kong Immigration Mobile Application to facilitate Hong Kong residents and visitors in obtaining information on the estimated passenger waiting time at all land boundary control points and other immigration service information such as office hours of all immigration offices anytime. The information on the estimated passenger waiting time is updated about every 15 minutes. It aims to serve as a reference for Hong Kong residents and visitors to choose the land boundary control point and the time to travel at their convenience. The Department has continued to enhance the Application, such as the inclusion of Outbound Travel Tips to provide Hong Kong residents with tips when travelling abroad and the link to the Department’s official YouTube Channel to facilitate public access to information on the services and activities of the Department anytime and anywhere. As at 31 December 2016, around 136,000 downloads were recorded.

Records and Data Management

The Department attaches great importance to personal data privacy and records management and is committed to ensuring that business processes and practices and the handling of all personal data and records are in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, relevant laws, regulations and guidelines. Departmental policies, guidelines and procedures on personal data protection and records management are set out, regularly reviewed and updated to ensure staff compliance in proper handling of personal data and management of records. To further enhance the protection of personal data privacy and records management, the Department has implemented the Privacy Management Programme. The Privacy Compliance Group has also been formed to monitor the Department’s overall privacy compliance situation and review the related programme controls. Moreover, training sessions, seminars and workshops are conducted to cultivate a culture of respect for privacy by enhancing staff awareness in personal data privacy protection and good records management as well as staff competence in handling data access requests and access to information applications.

Electronic Services

The Department provides various electronic services which have been well received by the public.

Electronic services have been implemented in phases at the GovHK website since 30 October 2007. As at 31 December 2016, members of the public and other users can access the following electronic services via the GovHK website:

Electronic Submission

Since 2000, the Department has been accepting electronic information sent by members of the public in specified format, manner and procedures requesting immigration services in accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance. Examples are provision of prescribed particulars of crew and passengers by an aircraft captain under the Immigration Ordinance and requests for a Certificate of Registrar of Marriages for marriage to be solemnised in church under the Marriage Ordinance. Details can be found at the Department’s homepage:

Electronic Forms

Apart from accepting applications submitted by applicants in person or by post, the Department has devised electronic forms for the public to fill in and submit through the Internet for the following purposes:

These electronic forms can be downloaded from the Department’s homepage.

Implementation of the Third Information Systems Strategy (ISS-3)

Computer record storage device at Immigration Tower.

To improve its service quality, the Department commissioned a consultant to conduct the ISS-3 Review in March 2010 with a view to formulating a long-term information systems strategy. The Review recommended the Department to implement the following separate but inter-related systems to enhance its service quality and capacity to meet the challenging business requirements in the coming years.

  1. New IT Infrastructure (ITI);
  2. Immigration Control System (ICONS);
  3. Next Generation Smart Identity Card System (SMARTICS-2);
  4. Next Generation Electronic Passport System (e-Passport-2);
  5. Visa Automation System (VISAS);
  6. Assistance to Hong Kong Residents, Births, Deaths & Marriage, Right of Abode Decision Support System (ABROADS);
  7. Enforcement Case Processing System (ENCAPS); and
  8. Human Resources Management System (HRMS).

To support the implementation of the ISS-3 information systems, two data centres and a new infrastructure platform under the New IT Infrastructure project have commenced operation since 2014 and 2015 respectively. By leveraging the new infrastructure platform and the two data centres, ICONS has commenced operation in phases since January 2016.

For the e-Passport-2 project, the tendering exercise is underway and it is expected to be implemented in phases starting from early 2019. The new system aims to replace the existing ageing computer system and to enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness in supporting the issue of new HKSAR travel documents. The feasibility study on the implementation of systems related to Visa Automation; Assistance to HK Residents, Births, Deaths & Marriage, Right of Abode Decision Support; and Enforcement Case Processing was completed in March 2016. The preparatory work for funding application is underway.