Our Services

1868 WhatsApp Assistance Hotline

Contact the Assistance to Hong Kong Residents Unit via 1868 WhatsApp Assistance Hotline

Hong Kong residents outside Hong Kong requiring assistance may use the 1868 WhatsApp assistance hotline through the following means:

  1. message (852) 1868 via WhatsApp;
  2. scan the QR code below; or
  3. use the hyperlink: https://wa.me/message/IGSJWR2HF5PZI1?src=qr

(the device should support WhatsApp).

1868 WhatsApp Assistance Hotline

Please note the following when using 1868 WhatsApp Assistance Hotline

  • This Hotline aims at providing assistance to Hong Kong residents requiring assistance outside Hong Kong and should not be used for general enquiries. For other immigration enquiries, please contact general enquiry hotline at (852) 2824 6111 or email to enquiry@immd.gov.hk.
  • This Hotline supports texts, photos (excluding WhatsApp stickers), audio and video clips.
  • This Hotline does not support voice calls.