You can click here for online submission of application and uploading of supporting documents.
You can also submit the completed Application for Entry for Visit/Transit in Hong Kong (ID 1003A and ID 1003B) together with the relevant supporting documents to the Receipt and Despatch Sub-unit,
Ground Floor, Administration Tower, Immigration Headquarters, 61 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, either by post or through a local sponsor. To shorten processing time, application forms and supporting documents can be sent by fax to (852) 2824 1133 in the first instance. However, the original copy of the duly completed application form and the photographs required should be sent immediately to the HKSAR Immigration Department by air mail. A visa/entry permit will be issued only on receipt of an original and properly completed visa/entry permit application form. Applications submitted by e-mail will not be accepted.
Alternatively, you may also submit their visa applications through the Chinese diplomatic and consular missions nearest to their place of residence[Note]. Holders of foreign passports who are living in the Mainland of China may submit the applications to the Immigration Division of the Office of the Government of the HKSAR in Beijing or the Immigration Division of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Shanghai.
Some Chinese diplomatic and consular missions have implemented the arrangement that applications for visas for Hong Kong from persons holding foreign ordinary passports will be handled by the "Chinese Visa Application Service Center". Applicants may contact the nearest Chinese diplomatic and consular mission for details.
As a visitor, you may attend an event to deliver speech(es)/presentation(s) subject to the conditions that you will not be remunerated for speaking/presenting at the event (other than provision of accommodation, passage, meals, etc. relating to the event, or the reimbursement of such expenses), unless you participate in sector-specific speaking engagements under the Immigration Facilitation Scheme for Visitors Participating in Short-term Activities in Designated Sectors (“the STV Scheme”) where remuneration is allowed for individual sectors as recommended by the subject Government Bureaux / Departments. During each period of permitted stay, you can attend to deliver speech(es)/presentation(s) up to 14 consecutive calendar days, counting from the day when you start to participate in such event(s), with no maximum limit on the number of event(s) permitted.
You may come to Hong Kong as a visitor to attend the luncheon seminar to deliver the speech subject to the conditions that you will not be remunerated for speaking in the luncheon seminar (other than provision of accommodation, passage, meals, etc. relating to the seminar, or the reimbursement of such expenses), unless you participate in sector-specific speaking engagements under the Immigration Facilitation Scheme for Visitors Participating in Short-term Activities in Designated Sectors (“the STV Scheme”) where remuneration is allowed for individual sectors as recommended by the subject Government Bureaux / Departments. During each period of permitted stay, you can attend to deliver speech(es)/presentation(s) up to 14 consecutive calendar days, counting from the day when you start to participate in such event(s), with no maximum limit on the number of event(s) permitted.
During the process of concluding contracts, a visitor may perform business-related activities such as making presentations on products or services, negotiations, and signing contracts, etc.
No. Though exhibitors permitted to land as visitors are allowed to supervise construction of exhibition booths, they are not allowed to construct exhibition booths by themselves. They should employ lawfully employable persons to construct exhibition booths.
No. Though exhibitors permitted to land as visitors are allowed to participate in promotions of products or services, they are not allowed to supply services direct to the general public during the exhibition/trade fairs, e.g. packing of goods. Lawfully employable persons should be hired to supply services direct to the general public in exhibitions/trade fairs.
No. Though exhibitors permitted to land as visitors are allowed to participate in promotions of products or services, they are not allowed to sell goods direct to the general public in exhibitions/trade fairs (including receiving money from the general public). Lawfully employable persons should be hired to sell goods direct to the general public in exhibitions/trade fairs.
As regards whether an exhibitor from outside Hong Kong is required to apply for an employment visa/entry permit, it depends on the activities to be performed by the exhibitor in exhibitions/trade fairs. Generally speaking, if the activities to be performed are business promotions, and will not involve direct sale of goods or supply of services to the general public, or constructing exhibition booths, the exhibitor is not required to apply for an employment visa/entry permit.
While each application for an employment visa/entry permit is determined on its individual merits, an applicant should meet the eligibility criteria for entry for employment as well as normal immigration requirements before he/she may be considered for the grant of an employment visa/entry permit.
The Mainland residents intending to participate in exhibitions/trade fairs in Hong Kong may, according to the nature of business activities to be engaged in Hong Kong, apply for an Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao (EEP), and a relevant exit endorsement from the Public Security Bureau in the Mainland before coming to Hong Kong. Please also refer to Q9.
A Mainland resident visiting Hong Kong with an EEP and an endorsement for business visit (Shangwu) will be given permission to land in Hong Kong as a visitor if normal immigration requirements are met (viz. possession of adequate fund, purpose of visit being not in doubt, etc.) and he/she will be subject to the conditions of stay for a visitor. Visitors participating in exhibitions/trade fairs are not allowed to engage in direct sale of goods or supply of services to the general public, or construct exhibition booths.
Generally speaking, the following persons are lawfully employable:
- a person holding a Hong Kong permanent identity card which contains the following statement on the back of the card: 'The holder of this card has the right of abode in Hong Kong'; or
- a person holding a Hong Kong identity card who is free to take up employment in Hong Kong without the Director of Immigration's prior permission and has not breached any condition of stay.
For details, please refer to 'Don't Employ Illegal Workers' pamphlet.
Any person who contravenes a condition of stay in force in respect of him shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a maximum fine of HK$50,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years under section 41 of the Immigration Ordinance (Chapter 115), Laws of Hong Kong.
Under the Immigration Facilitation Scheme for Persons Participating in Arbitral Proceedings in Hong Kong (“the Scheme for Arbitral Proceedings”), eligible persons may participate in arbitral proceedings in Hong Kong on a short-term basis as visitors. For details of the Scheme for Arbitral Proceedings, please see here.
At present, multiple-journey visit visas may be issued to visa-required nationals who have a genuine need to visit Hong Kong frequently and have made three or more trouble-free visits to Hong Kong (other than returning from side-trips to the Mainland or the Macao SAR) in the 12 months preceding the application, or can satisfy the Department that their visits may bring benefits to Hong Kong.
With effective from 25 October 2023, Vietnamese nationals who can meet the following criteria may apply for multiple-journey visit visa to come to Hong Kong:
- the applicant has a genuine need to visit Hong Kong frequently; and
- the applicant has made three or more trouble-free trips to Hong Kong / two or more countries or territories in the past 36 months; or
- The applicant has previously been granted permission to land in Hong Kong for employment, training, residence or study in the past 24 months.
With effective from 16 October 2024, the foresaid facilitation measure has been extended to cover nationals of Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.
The applicant may provide the following documents to support his/her application:
- Documents demonstrating the applicant has a genuine need to visit Hong Kong frequently (e.g. documents relating to the applicant’s business / employment and documents relating to his/her business activities in Hong Kong, etc.); and
- Proofs showing his/her previous trouble-free trips to countries or territories (e.g. visa, normal in/out immigration stamps, photos taken during the trip, etc.).
Upon receipt of all the required documents, it normally takes around two weeks to process visit visa applications from nationals of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam who join tour groups to visit Hong Kong and submit their visit visa applications through licensed travel agents in Hong Kong.